We do not provide free estimates to measure you property. We recommend that you look at an old invoice that you may have from mulch being previously installed or you may use our material calculator (click here) to help determine your needs. If you still would like to have someone come out we can arrange to have our professional estimator measure your property but you will be charged $50.00 for the measurement. If you sign up to use our service you will have $25.00 credited toward your purchase. If you are a homeowner, contractor, nursery, school, town or building contractor please fill out the form below.
It is recommended that you put down 3 inches initially and add to that periodically as it breaks down. We recommend a 2″ coverage for weed control unless you are just touching up existing bark. See the material calculator page for pointers on measuring.
· All jobs are priced by the cubic yard installed
· There is a 10 cubic yard minimum locally, see our maps for more detail(click here) or click on the products catalog to see how much the installation will cost.
· Price includes material, installation, labor, and minimal clean up
Our crews normally carry 250 feet of hose at all times. If the area where you need mulch is farther away from where the truck will be parked, we can add another 200 feet of hose but there is a charge of $1.00 per cubic yard per 25 feet over 200 feet from the rear of the truck.
No. Our installers are careful not to blow directly onto the more delicate plants. We would prefer that your annuals are planted two weeks prior to installation, but in any case, we are always accommodating.
We clean up, if there is any, over-spray before we leave. The exception is when the building and/or sidewalk are wet from sprinklers or rain. We will do the best we can with our blowers though you may choose to wash some areas with a hose.
What products can you blow and how far can you reach with the hoses?
· We can apply soils, mulches, composts, aggregate, playground and safety materials
· Our maximum hose length is 450f
· Achieve a more uniform and even application – with very little waste
· There are no unsightly piles throughout the application
· It is fast and efficient, saving time and money
· Accessibility to remote areas without damaging tire tracks; can get over walls, fences, and other obstacles with ease
· We can apply from 1/4″ to 5″ thick or more, depending on job needs.
· No. Our truck is equipped with a dust suppression system
· We carry portable blowers and brooms for cleanup of any debris.
Depending on the size and how much you initially put down, mulch can last 2-3 years. The bottom layer will deteriorate first and become a soil amendment. In some cases, customers refresh yearly because they like the look and smell of fresh mulch.
Absolutely not, our mulch is completely organic. It comes straight from the tree into your garden.
No, the idea that mulch attracts fleas is a myth.
No. Our finished job is much better than you could expect to do with a rake. We even blow under bushes and trees that you would never consider doing by hand.
No with minor exceptions you don’t need to be home. We get good instruction over the phone and some customers leave us notes and indicators where they do and don’t want bark. The average job is completed in 1 ½ hours.
The most important step before installing bark is to pull any weeds that have already begun to grow in your yard. It is not necessary to do more than that. Some people spray weed repellent before installation.
Three inches of bark gives you the same weed control without the additional effort. Plastic is never recommended as it prevents water from penetrating through to the ground. It also traps air, causing moldy soil, and eventually deteriorates and falls apart. Weed fabric can be installed, it is up to the homeowners preference as to their adds expense. Some people like the added security of having a weed barrier in place.
You will receive an automated phone call or email the night before your installation. In the event of inclement weather and a postponement of your installation is necessary, you will receive a phone call that morning to reschedule. In the event you need to postpone or reschedule the installation, please notify us by 9:00 pm. You may do so by either calling mulch and leave a message to postpone your order (including your name, address, and telephone number) or email to postpone your installation.
All sales are final. We, however, will do our best to make sure you are satisfied with our product and service.